Fast and easy seller registration allows sellers to register with complete details. A system for verifying avoids duplicate accounts of the seller and collects documents for verification of identity. You can easily register.
Admins have full rights to approve or reject products and services uploaded by merchants which can be displayed in the marketplace after admin approval to prevent the inappropriate sale in the system.
The seller dashboard for each seller makes it easy to understand inventory and order status, order summary, sorting function, sales report, best-selling products, income details and much more.
Sellers can add, edit or delete products through the central market system.
Admins can view marketplace system overview and reports to help you better manage your business.
Admins can add, approve or reject people, subscriptions, sales or products. They can see all seller details as well as configure their commission, online store performance and traffic.
Set up a commission sold for each product category with a percentage commission.
Get an overview of each store inventory and set up a stock display for all sellers.
Send notifications to shop owners, sellers and customers. Notify various activities through the system.
Sellers can set up multiple shipping channels and customize shipping costs for each channel or even create discounts at each store.
Allows the seller to adjust order status, create and print invoices, or order cancellations, and many more according to the status specified by the admin.
You can view details of each store's sales.
Each seller will have an url or link for each store to list their own products to promote without any other store’s items.